Monday, June 21, 2021

 Galaxy Season 2021

 It's been a very busy imaging season this year. I am happy with the results of my work.  All these Galaxy images where captured with my ZWO ASI290MM Cooled camera.  It was attached to a Tele Vue NP101 f5.4 APO refractor.  My mount is a Losmandy G11 with Gemini 1 Goto controller.  I use a ZWO EAF running the Moonlite focuser and a ZWO 8 position EFW. 

All the images where aquired with Sharpcap.  Deep Sky Stacker was used for image calibration and  stacking. Photoshop CC2021 was used in image processing.  

On average I captured these images the same way.  Taking 120 to 180sec. frames in Red, Green, and Blue with a gain of 120 to 300. I would capture 20 frames of each colour, along with Darks and Flats.


Here are my results.


NGC4656 The Hockey stick

NGC4631 The Whale & Pup
M104 The Sombrero Galaxy

M64 The Black eye Galaxy  (monochrome image)

M63 The Sunflower Galaxy

M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy