Tuesday, June 13, 2017


The Crescent Nebula

     This is an image I captured last fall I had forgotten about.   Taken over two nights using  my Modded Canon T3i (600D).  One evening I gathered 12, 600sec. frames @ 1600iso using a 12nm Ha filter, and the second I captured 12, 360sec, frames @ 1600iso in RGB.  Both sets of images were stacked and processed using PhotoShop CC.   
NGC6888 captured using my Tele Vue NP101 from Sherkston ON.

Goodby Jupiter

Looks like imaging Jupiter is over for the season.  I did manage to get a few more attempts,  Last Saturday I was hoping to capture a double moon transit, and the Great Red Spot.  Well the clouds rolled in before that all happened, but I did capture two of its moons. I also seem to be getting better at capturing and processing planetary images as well.

Ganymede & Io

Great Red Spot

Coming Soon
