Monday, September 28, 2015

Hello Everyone:  Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  In August I had Heart Valve replacement surgery.  This has slowed me down a bit, but I have done some imaging.  Once I get it processed I will post the pictures.
     The good news is I was able to get some good images of last nights "Blood Moon, Super Moon" Eclipse.  There where allot of clouds to battle, But I managed to capture totality.  Thanks clouds for giving me a peek. 
     All images where captured using a Canon XSi on a Tele Vue NP101 f5.4 APO Refractor

Monday, June 15, 2015

     Well here it is the middle of June, and no astro photos to show for it.  The cloudy weather is sure taking its tole on this hobby.  I have had a few chances of visual astronomy thank goodness.  I did manage to get to the beach just down the road and capture some tripod images of the Strawberry Moon rising over the beach to the east, and Venus, and Jupiter setting in the west.   I used my Canon T3i and a Sigma 10mm f2.5 lens.  I did a bit of image processing using Photo Shop CS6e.  Lets hope this cloudy rainy ends soon,  I want to get out and get some imaging done.

Strawberry Moonrise
Venus, and Jupiter setting in the west


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Imaging M42 under a bright moon

     Winter is moving along quickly, and taking Orion along with it.   We have had some cloud free skies,  but still quite hazy.  I have been anxious to try out  my new AstroTech AT8IN f4 astrograph.   The first opportunity was last Tuesday, Jan 27th.  The skies where quite clear, but the moon was bright so I was only able to take 180sec. exposures.  This image of the Orion Nebula and the Running Man was a result of 6, 180sec. exposures taken with my Canon XSi with an IDAS LPS-P2 filter.  All image stacking, and processing was done using Photoshop CS6e.  I am looking forward of imaging this again under darker skies,  Lets hope February brings better skies.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Friday Night LOVEJOY

      It was another sorta clear night.  I wish the skies where darker, but I will take what I can get.  This is the result of 6,  300sec. exposures @ 1600iso taken with my T3i and  NP101.  I guided on the comet so the stars have trails.  That's about as much tali as I can get.  Processed and stacked in Photoshop CS6e.

Clear Skies:  Glen

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

     I just finished processing more images from last night.  These where the first set of images  I took when the skies where darker, and I hadn't rotated the camera.  I had set PHD to guide on the comet.  Clearly looking at my other images I now see with them I had done something wrong.  This is the image I was hoping to get.  Far better structure in the tale.

I wanna get back out there
Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2)
     After a long drought of not being out in the Observatory, we finally got some clear skies.  Not perfect skies, but I will take what I can get.  My goal was to get an image of the comet.  I took 4 x  300sec. images @1600iso.   Using my Canon XSi, and Tele Vue NP101 @f5.4 refractor.  I used PHD guiding to track the comet.  That is why the stars look a little odd.  The images where stacked and processed using Photoshop CS6e.  I am hoping to get out again to get more images before the comet fades.